What is MELT?

Self treatment to reduce chronic pain.


In Just 10 Minutes

The MELT Method® (MELT®) is a simple self-treatment technique that reduces chronic pain and helps you stay healthy, youthful, and active for a lifetime. Just 10 minutes of MELT three times a week is all you need to reduce the effects of accumulated tension and stress caused by daily living.

New research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. These two components work together to provide your body architectural support and optimal mind-body communication.

Stuck Stress

We accumulate stuck stress (connective tissue dehydration) by repetitive posture and movement during daily living. It causes not only physical stress but also mental and digestive stress. Melt helps you find true causes of chronic pain and also improve your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Melt uses soft rollers and 4 different small balls.

Melt technique is very unique, so it is different from other techniques using a soft roller. Melt rehydrates the connective tissue, rebalances the nervous system, and restores spaces to compressed joints.

Melt is for anyone who wants to slow down the aging process and live a more active, healthy, pain free life. Melt is also for active younger adults and athletes who want to maintain a fit, healthy body and achieve optimal performance without having injuries.

Melt is truly for everyone! Even if you are pregnant, injured, post-surgery, overweight, sedentary, out of shape or have limited mobility, chronic pain, knee or hip replacements, or bone disorders.

Special Deal

Instructor Special

Order Through Me

Sign up for your monthly class within 1 week after your trial class and get Free 1 Large Soft Ball and 1 Large Firm Ball when you order 1 Melt Soft Roller for $79.99. No Shipping Fee!!! (Please ask an instructor)If you sign up for a private lesson, you will receive 20% off your first month’s lesson fee, plus be eligible for the special kit above.

体験レッスンから1週間以内に毎月のクラスにサインアップし、メルトソフトローラー1個を$ 79.99で注文すると、大きいソフトボール1個と大きい硬いボール1個が無料でついてきます。送料は無料です!!!(直接インストラクターよりご購入ください)


*unavailable online

Contact me for this deal

Email: iku@kenjocoaching.com

Office: Vancouver, WA - バンクーバー

Email: iku@kenjocoaching.com

Site: www.kenjocoaching.com

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